Road Map


  • Fully Automated Trading Bot: In Early 2024 we are proud to launch a fully automated trading bot, offering users the ability to trade cryptocurrencies with ease.

  • User Control: Our platform gives users full control over their funds and wallets, allowing them to activate or deactivate the bot at their convenience.

  • Take Profit Options: Users can choose what level take profit settings, tailoring the bot's strategy to their preferences.

  • Bundling: Streamlining transactions to enhance user convenience by significantly lowering gas fees.

  • Transaction History: All transactions, historic and current, are transparently viewable on the blockchain.

  • Affiliate Program: To foster community growth, we introduce an affiliate program that rewards users for referring others.

  • Dev Fees: A minimal 2% fee on buy transactions and is applied to support further development.

  • Advanced Features: In the next iteration of our trading bot, we will introduce a range of advanced features and improvements to enhance user experience.


  • Fully Automated Trading Bot: a automated trading bot, offering users the ability to trade cryptocurrencies with ease on Solana network.

  • User Control: Our platform gives users full control over their funds and wallets, allowing them to activate or deactivate the bot at their convenience.

  • Take Profit Options: Users can choose what level take profit settings, tailoring the bot's strategy to their preferences.

  • Transaction History: All transactions, historic and current, are transparently viewable on the blockchain.

  • Dev Fees: A minimal 2% fee on buy transactions and is applied to support further development.

  • Advanced Features: In the next iteration of our trading bot, we will introduce a range of advanced features and improvements to enhance user experience.


  • All options available to users and can tailor to how they want to trade this option is more for the advance trader then novice.


  • Hot Wallet Integration: Our credit card will seamlessly integrate with users' hot wallets, enabling convenient asset spending.

  • Retail Purchases: Users can utilize their cards for various retail purchases, including mortgages, loans, car payments, and shopping.

  • Credit Card Release: Users will be able to use the [VISA/MC] credit card for seamless payments.


  • Daily Raffle Draw: Our daily raffle contract will provide a fun and rewarding experience for all users.

  • Ticket Purchase with Cremate and ETH: Users can acquire raffle tickets using Cremate and ETH, promoting the adoption of our native token.

  • Burn Mechanism: Cremate used to purchase tickets will be burnt, contributing to a deflationary ecosystem.

  • Raffle Pay outs: At to be determine intervals, the raffle will award winners with pay outs in ETH, enhancing user engagement. Prices will grow as user base grows.


  • Smart Wallet: this hot wallet will be used on our platform to help keep all trading bots work seamlessly on our platform

  • Seedless Login: login to your wallet seamlessly with your Edge AI account—no mnemonic fuss, just simple, swift access!

  • Multiple Chains/Networks: Access to all Major Blockchain Networks all in one.

  • Hot Wallet Integration: Our credit card will seamlessly integrate with users' hot wallets, enabling convenient asset spending.

Last updated